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High Fidelity Wraparound Program

Our Wraparound Program provides care coordination services to improve the lives of families experiencing emotional, mental health, or behavioral challenges by creating collaboration between families, children/youth, service providers, and community partners.

Key facts about Wraparound:

  • Wraparound works with the entire family.

  • ​Wraparound assists families to identify their specific strengths, needs, and natural supports and to develop a Plan of Care with the steps needed to reach their family vision.

  • Wraparound facilitates the development of a team of key people (the Child and Family Team) to empower families to address their needs and goals.

  • Wraparound is family-driven and ensures you are central to the decision making process.

  • Your Care Coordinator will conduct a minimum of two safety checks every month with all children in your home under the age of 18.

Family Vision
Having a clear Family Vision is a central part of the Wraparound Process. Your Family Vision is the goal that your family shares for the future, what you would like to see for your family when the Wraparound process is complete. The family vision helps to keep all team members focused on what everyone is trying to work toward.

Identifying Strengths
Wraparound uses a strength-based process. We discover your family members’ strengths and build plans around things that your child and family like, are good at, and are interested in, as well as what has worked in the past. The Care Coordinator identifies strengths in order to:


  • Learn about your child and family.

  • Assist your child and other family members in maintaining a positive, solution-focused approach in Team meetings.

  • Get a balanced picture of your child and family, (maybe the focus has lately been about the negatives).

  • Discover what resources your family already has.

The strengths of your child and family are the most useful ingredients in developing plans that work!

Child and Family Team (CFT) Meetings

The Child and Family Team (CFT) is a core group of people that families and their assigned Wraparound Care Coordinator bring together. The members of your CFT are people who will help you work toward your vision and help your family succeed. This can include family members, close friends, service providers, counselors, school-related providers, and others

The Plan of Care
With the help of their dedicated Care Coordinator, families enrolled in Wraparound develop a customized Plan of Care to address the specific needs and goals that they want to work on during their Wraparound process.

The Child and Family Team will help your family to come up with ways to overcome barriers, utilize community-based services and natural supports, and to achieve self-sufficiency. A good Plan of Care is:

  • Community Based – supports and services are based in your community whenever possible.

  • Individualized – the plan considers all aspects of your lives and is flexible to meet your child’s and your family’s needs.

  • Strength Based – supports and services build on your child’s and family’s strengths.

  • Family Voice Focused – your family’s choices, preferences, values, and unique culture drive all planning, supports and service.

If appropriate to your family’s needs, the Wraparound Care Coordinator will link you to vendors such as: Family Peer Advocates, Youth Peer Advocates, Mental Health Therapy (Individual & Family), Art Therapy, Adult Skill Builder / Youth Skill Builder, Parent Skills Training.


Contact Information for Wraparound Program:

Kelli Gaiser

Director of Wraparound

Phone: 716-983-9045


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